Meet Mala, Lili & Honey!

Mala, Lili & Honey!

Assalamualaikum and hello everyone!

For today’s blog, i would like to tell you about three cute elephants that i met at Zoo Melaka last Wednesday.

Say hi to Mala! The biggest one among them. 14 Years old and came from Pahang. This one is my favourite since Mala is the only elephant that said hi to me hahahha.


Say hi to Lili! The smallest one and is hiding behind Mala 🙂 10 years old and came from Johor. She is quite shy, well i think so.


Not to forget out Honey! The oldest one. 46 years old and came from Thailand.

From my short interview with Abang Azam, the zoo keeper responsible to take care of these three elephants, said that all of them are wild elephants. So, they did not open the play session for tourist and elephants since they are not trained. It is to avoid anything bad happen.


Usually, these elephants will eat 3 times per day but for one elephant, 200-300 Kg foods will be provided. They sure eat a lot! From what Abang Azam told me, these elephants eat bran, jackfruit leaf and also grasses.


This is an important note of you want to meet the elephants! What to do and what you shouldn’t do!

  • You are allowed to feed them under the zoo keeper’s permission.
  • You should not give them any outside foods! It may lead to food poisoning.
  • You should not throw things at the elephants.

P/s: What did they ever do to you? 😦

  • Do not provoke them.

That’s all from me about our cute elephants! Thank you for reading and before i end my writing, i will share some photos that i captured in Zoo Melaka.

This are some photos behind the scene of our interview session.

Save The Animals!


Assalamualaikum and hello everyone!

A few months ago,the world has gone viral with the extinction of animals. Some are tigers and some are turtles. After we grown older, they might been extinct at that times. So, to avoid that, we need to come into action and save them! Not just tigers or turtles but all of the animals outside.

But how?

Well, recently i have came up with the answer! Not 100% will be helping but might be 40%? 50%? or might be 60%? Well, i am bad with math so no more calculating.

So here is my plan.

  • Use your holidays to go to the zoo!

Yeah, i’m asking you to go to the zoo and have fun. How about the animals then? So, here is my plan. Recently, i interviewed a staff of Zoo Melaka. From him, i’ve got a very valuable information that some of you must have known.

“The money that you use to buy tickets will be used to feed the animals”

Applause! For whoever that already went to the zoo, you should thank youself. You are helping the animals with your money! So i want to congratulate you!

I want to tell you something. Our country actually have done so many things in order to keep the animals exist. For example, The Coffee Bean & Tea leaf Malaysia.

CREDITS TO: Google image

The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf® Malaysia in support of Malaysian Nature Society (MNS) kicked off a three-month-long “Save Bill” fund-raising campaign in aid of the MNS Hornbill Conservation Programme. The collaborative effort combines educational materials, interactive games, activities and workshops as well as a donation collected from the sales of Horn bill-themed merchandise and CB&TL’s Caring Cup Fund. 

In fact, we are doing so much to help the animals. Thank yourself! Even though we are not the one handling the campaigns but our supports are much needed to help the animals.

I believe we can help them existing.

Before i ended my writing for today, i would like to share some photos of me and my friends interviewing the staff of Zoo Melaka.

That’s all from me for today. Thank you for reading! 🙂

What To Do?

Assalamualaikum! Hello everyone! 🙂

For today’s blog, i would like to share some tips about what to do during your visit to the zoo! Trust me, my tips will be very useful to you during your trip to the zoo.

  • Bring enough money
CREDITS TO: Google image

Why? If you use to go on trips before, you will realize something about tourism attractions. The price of the foods, drinks, tickets or even photos are so expensive right? Especially if you are a high school or university students. So, make sure you bring enough money for your tickets and also your foods.

  • Bring mineral water
CREDITS TO: Google image

Any zoo that you will go to, you must remember that you will use a lot of your leg. Especially if you want to go to Zoo Negara or Zoo Melaka. Those zoo are the largest and the second largest zoo in Malaysia. You will sweat a lot and will be exhausted from all the walks. So, if you don’t want to waste your time and money, just bring the water along with you.

P/s: You won’t have to buy mineral water anymore since you already have yours. :p

  • Do not give foods to the animals.
CREDITS TO: myself 🙂

Some of you are too kind and want to give them foods but you need to remember this. Staff appointed for those animals already give them foods to eat so you don’t have to give them any foods anymore. Animals in the zoo already well taken. Beside, your act of giving them foods might bring you or the animals harm. It may lead the animals to the food poisoning. Please be careful with your acts.

  • Be careful with your things
CREDITS TO: Google image

Honestly, if you want to go to the zoo, i don’t think bringing many things is good for you. In fact, you will be tired with all your heavy stuff. So, just bring the important things such as handphone, powerbank, camera and wallet or purse. Your things are your responsibility. So, make sure you keep your stuff near you all the times since there will be many people in that zoo at the same times.

  • Do not provoke the animals
CREDITS TO: Myself 🙂

This is the most important thing that you need to remember. Some animals are dangerous and some might be just cute and fun. Whatever you did, please do not provoke them. If they bacome angry, we don’t reallly know what will happen to us. We might be attacked or sued by the Zoo. So, please behave no matter where you are. They are animals but they still have feelings like us. Please respect them.

I think that’s all for now! Thank you for reading my blog and stay tuned for the next posts. Thank you! 🙂


Assalamualaikum everyone!

As we all know, Melaka is one of the countries that become tourist attraction and out of all places in Melaka, Zoo Melaka is one of famous places that most of us want to go. But…

Have you heard about Zoo Melaka before?

Did you know that Zoo Melaka is the second largest zoo after Zoo Negara in Kuala Lumpur? Located 13 km outside Malacca city in Ayer Keroh, it has over 1,200 animals of 200 different species. The zoo’s highlight is the night-viewing safari when visitors are driven around in a tram to see lit-up exhibits of nocturnal wildlife up and about.

Established in 1963, Melaka Zoo is spread out across 54 acres and is managed by the Department of Wildlife and National Parks. The complex is home to a variety of birds, mammals, reptiles and amphibians including the Malayan gaur, serow and Malayan tiger.

After reading this little information from me, would you like to try and go there? However…


  • Search about ticket price

This is the most important thing that you need to remember. Make sure you do some research about ticket price to enter Zoo Melaka. But why? This is to make sure you will bring enough money and get to pay your tickets without any problems.

Not just that, when you do some research, it will hep you to plan your whole day during your trip there. From what i knew, Zoo Melaka have day zoo and night safari. So, basically you can spend your whole day spending time there with the camera and animals. Make sure you make a lot of great memories there!

I think that’s all from me for today’s blog. Make sure you remember my tips before you go and attack Zoo Melaka hehe just kidding. Thank you for reading! 🙂

You can watch my video at :

What is MC111?

MC111 is a new programme introduced under the Mass Communication Faculty. It stands for Diploma in New Media Communication and Contentpreneurship. Actually, there is one more programme under Mass Communication Faculty known as Diploma in Communication and Media or MC110.
The differences between MC111 and MC110 are quite big since MC110 focuses more on:
  • Journalism
  • Broadcasting
  • Advertising
Compared to our course that consist of three major components which are:
  • Animation
  • Gaming
  • Web content
To be more detail, i will provide the course outline for you to understand about MC111 better!
As you can see, we will go through thick and thin with all the books and assignments from lecturers for 4 semesters since the 5th semester, we will go through the internship throughout the whole semester (3 months, to be exact).


At first, i was interested in this course because of animation. I still remembered keeping all those Boboiboy cards from buying Choki-Choki because i was amazed with the animation and storyline. So, my cousin suggested me to try this course and here i am, comparing my assignments with the other faculties 🙂 So why do i said so?

Here comes the announcement!

For 3 semester which are semester 1, 2 and 3, we only have 1 final exam. Only in the 4th semester, we have 4 final exam T-T. So, what i am trying to say is, to be student of MC111, we will be struggling with our assignments especially for the final assignments. Make sure you give it all for your assignments!


  • Friends
This friends are going to be there for you no matter how hard the situation turn out to be. So, make sure you choose the right one and appreciates whoever your friends are 🙂
  • Learning new things
You will be learning a lot of new things every semester and even every day. So make sure you enjoy everything that you will do! If you think this course are too different from what you used to learn in high school, this are a few things that you can start to explore.
  • Adobe (AI, InDesign, Animate, Photoshop etc.)
  • Audacity
  • Autodesk Maya
  • Unreal Engine
and many more…
P/s: Not to forget two things that we will be using for the website,
  • WordPress
Tip: You should explore first so you won’t feel too awkward during class.
I also want to share a few photos that i captured during Photocom (photography) class (proudly ;)) before i end my blog.
That’s all from me! If you have any questions, feel free to comment and ask me. Make sure you enjoy everything and don’t be too stressed. You can do it! I trust you 🙂 Thank you for reading!

About Me.

Hello everyone! My name is Nur Adilla Shahida bt Mohd Sahidin, borned on 14 June 2000 so this year which is on 2019, i am officially 19 year old 🙂 I lived in Terengganu but right now, at this moment i am staying in Melaka or you can say Uitm Lendu.
Used to study in MRSM Besut for three years which is 2013, 2014 and 2015. I finished my high school in MRSM Taiping, Perak for two years which is 2016 and 2017. Right now, i am studying in Diploma in New Media Communication and Contentrepreneurship in Part 3.