What To Do?

Assalamualaikum! Hello everyone! 🙂

For today’s blog, i would like to share some tips about what to do during your visit to the zoo! Trust me, my tips will be very useful to you during your trip to the zoo.

  • Bring enough money
CREDITS TO: Google image

Why? If you use to go on trips before, you will realize something about tourism attractions. The price of the foods, drinks, tickets or even photos are so expensive right? Especially if you are a high school or university students. So, make sure you bring enough money for your tickets and also your foods.

  • Bring mineral water
CREDITS TO: Google image

Any zoo that you will go to, you must remember that you will use a lot of your leg. Especially if you want to go to Zoo Negara or Zoo Melaka. Those zoo are the largest and the second largest zoo in Malaysia. You will sweat a lot and will be exhausted from all the walks. So, if you don’t want to waste your time and money, just bring the water along with you.

P/s: You won’t have to buy mineral water anymore since you already have yours. :p

  • Do not give foods to the animals.
CREDITS TO: myself 🙂

Some of you are too kind and want to give them foods but you need to remember this. Staff appointed for those animals already give them foods to eat so you don’t have to give them any foods anymore. Animals in the zoo already well taken. Beside, your act of giving them foods might bring you or the animals harm. It may lead the animals to the food poisoning. Please be careful with your acts.

  • Be careful with your things
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Honestly, if you want to go to the zoo, i don’t think bringing many things is good for you. In fact, you will be tired with all your heavy stuff. So, just bring the important things such as handphone, powerbank, camera and wallet or purse. Your things are your responsibility. So, make sure you keep your stuff near you all the times since there will be many people in that zoo at the same times.

  • Do not provoke the animals
CREDITS TO: Myself 🙂

This is the most important thing that you need to remember. Some animals are dangerous and some might be just cute and fun. Whatever you did, please do not provoke them. If they bacome angry, we don’t reallly know what will happen to us. We might be attacked or sued by the Zoo. So, please behave no matter where you are. They are animals but they still have feelings like us. Please respect them.

I think that’s all for now! Thank you for reading my blog and stay tuned for the next posts. Thank you! 🙂

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