What is MC111?

MC111 is a new programme introduced under the Mass Communication Faculty. It stands for Diploma in New Media Communication and Contentpreneurship. Actually, there is one more programme under Mass Communication Faculty known as Diploma in Communication and Media or MC110.
The differences between MC111 and MC110 are quite big since MC110 focuses more on:
  • Journalism
  • Broadcasting
  • Advertising
Compared to our course that consist of three major components which are:
  • Animation
  • Gaming
  • Web content
To be more detail, i will provide the course outline for you to understand about MC111 better!
CREDITS TO: https://masscommelakauitm.wordpress.com/
As you can see, we will go through thick and thin with all the books and assignments from lecturers for 4 semesters since the 5th semester, we will go through the internship throughout the whole semester (3 months, to be exact).


At first, i was interested in this course because of animation. I still remembered keeping all those Boboiboy cards from buying Choki-Choki because i was amazed with the animation and storyline. So, my cousin suggested me to try this course and here i am, comparing my assignments with the other faculties 🙂 So why do i said so?

Here comes the announcement!

For 3 semester which are semester 1, 2 and 3, we only have 1 final exam. Only in the 4th semester, we have 4 final exam T-T. So, what i am trying to say is, to be student of MC111, we will be struggling with our assignments especially for the final assignments. Make sure you give it all for your assignments!


  • Friends
This friends are going to be there for you no matter how hard the situation turn out to be. So, make sure you choose the right one and appreciates whoever your friends are 🙂
  • Learning new things
You will be learning a lot of new things every semester and even every day. So make sure you enjoy everything that you will do! If you think this course are too different from what you used to learn in high school, this are a few things that you can start to explore.
  • Adobe (AI, InDesign, Animate, Photoshop etc.)
  • Audacity
  • Autodesk Maya
  • Unreal Engine
and many more…
P/s: Not to forget two things that we will be using for the website,
  • WordPress
  • Wix.com
Tip: You should explore first so you won’t feel too awkward during class.
I also want to share a few photos that i captured during Photocom (photography) class (proudly ;)) before i end my blog.
That’s all from me! If you have any questions, feel free to comment and ask me. Make sure you enjoy everything and don’t be too stressed. You can do it! I trust you 🙂 Thank you for reading!

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