Save The Animals!


Assalamualaikum and hello everyone!

A few months ago,the world has gone viral with the extinction of animals. Some are tigers and some are turtles. After we grown older, they might been extinct at that times. So, to avoid that, we need to come into action and save them! Not just tigers or turtles but all of the animals outside.

But how?

Well, recently i have came up with the answer! Not 100% will be helping but might be 40%? 50%? or might be 60%? Well, i am bad with math so no more calculating.

So here is my plan.

  • Use your holidays to go to the zoo!

Yeah, i’m asking you to go to the zoo and have fun. How about the animals then? So, here is my plan. Recently, i interviewed a staff of Zoo Melaka. From him, i’ve got a very valuable information that some of you must have known.

“The money that you use to buy tickets will be used to feed the animals”

Applause! For whoever that already went to the zoo, you should thank youself. You are helping the animals with your money! So i want to congratulate you!

I want to tell you something. Our country actually have done so many things in order to keep the animals exist. For example, The Coffee Bean & Tea leaf Malaysia.

CREDITS TO: Google image

The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf® Malaysia in support of Malaysian Nature Society (MNS) kicked off a three-month-long “Save Bill” fund-raising campaign in aid of the MNS Hornbill Conservation Programme. The collaborative effort combines educational materials, interactive games, activities and workshops as well as a donation collected from the sales of Horn bill-themed merchandise and CB&TL’s Caring Cup Fund. 

In fact, we are doing so much to help the animals. Thank yourself! Even though we are not the one handling the campaigns but our supports are much needed to help the animals.

I believe we can help them existing.

Before i ended my writing for today, i would like to share some photos of me and my friends interviewing the staff of Zoo Melaka.

That’s all from me for today. Thank you for reading! 🙂

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