Meet Mala, Lili & Honey!

Mala, Lili & Honey!

Assalamualaikum and hello everyone!

For today’s blog, i would like to tell you about three cute elephants that i met at Zoo Melaka last Wednesday.

Say hi to Mala! The biggest one among them. 14 Years old and came from Pahang. This one is my favourite since Mala is the only elephant that said hi to me hahahha.


Say hi to Lili! The smallest one and is hiding behind Mala 🙂 10 years old and came from Johor. She is quite shy, well i think so.


Not to forget out Honey! The oldest one. 46 years old and came from Thailand.

From my short interview with Abang Azam, the zoo keeper responsible to take care of these three elephants, said that all of them are wild elephants. So, they did not open the play session for tourist and elephants since they are not trained. It is to avoid anything bad happen.


Usually, these elephants will eat 3 times per day but for one elephant, 200-300 Kg foods will be provided. They sure eat a lot! From what Abang Azam told me, these elephants eat bran, jackfruit leaf and also grasses.


This is an important note of you want to meet the elephants! What to do and what you shouldn’t do!

  • You are allowed to feed them under the zoo keeper’s permission.
  • You should not give them any outside foods! It may lead to food poisoning.
  • You should not throw things at the elephants.

P/s: What did they ever do to you? 😦

  • Do not provoke them.

That’s all from me about our cute elephants! Thank you for reading and before i end my writing, i will share some photos that i captured in Zoo Melaka.

This are some photos behind the scene of our interview session.

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